
Interactive Number Line FUN!


A STEM Unit in Mathematics—Making & Manipulating a DIY Math Tool
Adaptable for Students in Grades 1-4 & Grades 5-8


Grades 1-4 & Grades 5-8

A STEM Unit in Mathematics—Making & Manipulating a DIY Math Tool

Time Required: 1-2 Class Periods (1-2 Hours)

Product Description
Are your younger students beginning to learn about simple addition and subtraction facts? Want to introduce your older students to negative integers or algebra? Both young learners and more experienced math wizards need to understand the concept of the number line. As a result, students will better understand the relationship between all numbers. Discover resources to help right here.

Firstly, this STEM unit will lay the ground work for learning the number line’s important functions. Students will have an opportunity to create and interact with their own individual number line tools. Only common household materials needed. As a result, students will better understand the number line’s function.

Secondly, students will learn firsthand how to accurately add and subtract positive and negative integers, using their respective math tools.

Finally, a cooperative learning activity will help summarize this unit.

So, be ready to see your students effectively interact with integers on the number line. At the same time, watch them demonstrate how the number helps solve addition and subtraction problems.

For your convenience, this unit is for educators and homeschool parents who teach several grade or ability levels. Also, additional resources are included for differentiated instruction, In addition, these resources will provide support for earlier finishers and students who need further enrichment or extension activities.

For additional STEM lesson plans, units, and books for kids, please visit our page here.

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